taki["blog"] = 2024



Open Street Map(OSM)の操作(その1)


Graph abstraction for closed pattern mining in attributed networksを読んだ

概要 Henry Soldano and Guillaume Santini, Graph abstraction for closed pattern mining in attributed networks, ECAI2014 属性付きグラフ(Attributed Graphs)から構造特徴(topological features)よりリッチな特徴発見を行う手法を開発することが目…

Wikipedia graph mining: dynamic structure of collective memoryを読んだ

概要 Volodymyr Miz, Kirell Benzi, Benjamin Ricaud, and Pierre Vandergheynst, Wikipedia graph mining: dynamic structure of collective memory, arXiv 1710.00398 (submitted to KDD2018) Wikipediaを題材としてcollective memoryという概念を解析・走…